The Application of Blended Learning Method using Scientific Approach in Physics Curriculum Study II Course

Syamsul Bahri


The development of information and communication technology has a very positive impact on the world of education. One such impact is the availability of information that is very abundant in cyberspace. This is the basis for conducting research on the application of the blended learning method that combines online learning with face-to-face learning combined with a scientific approach. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of blended learning methods and scientific approaches on student learning independence, as well as knowing the severity of the combination of methods and approaches. Respondents involved in this study were 18 students who programmed Physics Curriculum Study II. The instruments used were questionnaire and unstructured interview instruments. Research data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques to determine the percentage of responses. The analysis showed that the average percentage of students' learning independence was 82%, while the practicality of the methods and approaches used were 85% or very good. This means that the blended learning method has a very positive impact on student learning independence. In addition, the combination of blended learning methods and scientific approaches is also very practical and effective to be used in physics curriculum lectures.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Scientific Approaches, Information and Communication Technology 

Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memberikan dampak yang sangat positif bagi dunia pendidikan. Salah satu dampak tersebut adalah ketersediaan informasi yang sangat melimpah di dunia maya. Hal ini menjadi dasar untuk melakukan penelitian tentang penerapan metode blended learning yang menggabungkan pembelajaran daring (online) dengan pembelajaran tatap muka yang dipadukan dengan pendekatan saintifik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh metode blended learning dan pendekatan saintifik terhadap kemandirian belajar mahasiswa, serta keprkatisan dari perpaduan metode dan pendekatan tersebut. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 18 orang mahasiswa yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Telaah Kurikulum Fisika II. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen angket dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Data hasil penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif dengan menentukan presentase respon. Hasil analisis menunjukkan  bahwa persentase rata-rata kemandirian belajar mahasiswa 82 %, sedangkan kepraktisan metode dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah 85% atau sangat baik. Hal ini berarti bahwa metode blended learning memberikan dampak yang sangat positif terhadap kemandirian belajar mahasiswa. Selain itu, perpaduan antara metode blended learning dan pendekatan saintifik juga sangat praktis dan efektif digunakan di dalam perkuliahan telaah kurikulum fisika.

Kata kunci: Blended Learning, Pendekatan Saintifik, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi


Blended Learning, Scientific Approaches, Information and Communication Technology

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