Peranan Metode Pemberian Tugas Terstruktur Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Peserta Didik Kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Makassar
Kata kunci: Penelitian eksperimen kuasi, metode pemberian tugas terstruktur, hasil belajar, statistik deskriptif, dan statistik inferensial.
This research is quasi research experiments that have aims: (1) To get information about the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task in 2012/2013 academic years. (2) To get information about the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. (3) To knowing the difference between results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task and the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. Population subject in this research is all of students in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar in 2012/2013 academic yearsas much 360 students with 76 sample students that each part was separate 38 students for experiment class and 38 students for control class. The research hypothesis is have the significant diffirentiated in the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which was teach through the given structured task with teach variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years. The research instrument that used is result test of physics study that fulfills valid criteria with 0,870 questions realibilities as much 22 items. Based on the descriptive analysis that gotten on the average score students for experiments class is 15,76 and the deviation standard is 3,46 where asa on the average score students for control class is 13,00 and the debiation standard is 3,03. The inferential result analysis have difference between results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar with given the structured task and the results of physics study of student in X grade SMAN 10 Makassar which teach with variated lecture method in 2012/2013 academic years at real α = 0,05
Key words: The quasi research, given the structured tasks, physics result, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistic.
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