Improving Student Science Literacy Skills Through The Use Of Teaching Materials With Socio-Scientific Contexts On Newton's Gravity Material

Asep Saefullah, Diana Ayu Rostikawati


TThis research was directed against the backdrop of the frequent emergence of news about social issues in the form of tidal floods due to eclipses due to Newton's gravity. A teaching material was created that involved the social tidal flooding problems with physics. The study aims to determine how scientific literacy among students is affected when teaching materials are used in the context of socioscientific concerns. This study's research methodology was quasi-experimental, employing a pretest-posttest design with one group. The study was conducted in the Physics Education Department at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University in Serang, Indonesia—fifty “physics education” majors who signed up for Fundamental Physics I served as the research sample. A scientific literacy test instrument was the research tool employed in this study. Professional validation of the test instrument yielded a validation value of 82.45%. The study came to the conclusion that instructional materials emphasizing socioscientific issues connected to Newton's gravity had an impact on students' science literacy abilities. Students' scientific literacy has increased by 0.34 in the sufficient category.


Newtonian gravity, Scientific literacy, Socio-scientific issues


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