Rofiq Ahmad


Currently, the assessment is being carried out using a minimum competency assessment so that this study aims to determine the effectiveness of CUPs learning using a live worksheet on a minimum competency assessment in elementary schools. This research method uses a true experimental design. The design used is a pre-test post-test control group. The sampling technique used is random sampling. The sample in this study is class IV A and IV B with a total of 44 students. Data collection using a problem solving ability test. The analysis in this research is using classical completeness test and independent t-test and N-gain. The results of the literacy and numeracy calculations obtained showed that using CUPs assisted by live worksheets was more effective than expository learning. This can be seen from the classical completeness of students who have reached more than 75%, the average problem solving test results of students in the experimental class are more than the control class, as well as the increase in scores before the treatment is applied to get an average of 66 and after the treatment is applied it gets an average 78, meaning that the increase based on the gain is 0.35 with moderate criteria


CUPs; Liveworksheets; AKM

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26618/jkpd.v7i1.6736


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