Syekh Arsyad Albanjari: Islamic Education Concept
The background to this research is that instilling the concept of Sheikh Aryad Albanjari's
thoughts into students in schools through the subject of Islamic Religious Education, there is
still a personality crisis in its implementation and a lack of material on the history of Banjar
ulama which is included in PAI learning in schools. Meanwhile, Islamic religious education
as a subject in Indonesia has an important role in raising awareness and increasing the
quality and values of the Islamic religion among students, because the subject content
contains religious values, morals and ethics.
This research has a problem formulation of what are the values of Islamic religious education
in the thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari, how are Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad
al-Banjari's efforts to instill the values of Islamic religious education, and what is the
relevance of the values of Islamic religious education in the thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad
Arsyad al-Banjari towards Islamic religious education in Indonesia. Answering this
formulation by using factual historical research on figures by using the thoughts of figures
from several works and the life history of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari as research
This research uses a philosophical approach which aims to find out, understand and explain
the values of Islamic religious education and efforts to instill these values and find their
relevance to Islamic religious education in Indonesia. After conducting studies, observations,
research and analysis of severalthe works of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari, namely
the treatise Tuḥfaturragibīn, the book SabīlalMuhtadīn, Luqthatal 'Ajlān and Parukunan as
well as the life history of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad alBanjari. That the values of Islamic
religious education in Arsyad's thinking are: 1) the goal of Islamic religious education is the
goal of education in the world of the hereafter and social improvement, 2) the curriculum for
Islamic religious education is the Koran, Hadiṡ, Fiqh, Tauhid, Akhlak, Arabic , Date 3)
educators and students in Islamic religious education are educators who have knowledge and
master it well and correctly, become role models, improve society both in terms of science
and life, master learning methods, and who motivate students is someone who wants to and
able to accept lessons within himself, which are in the process of growth and development
which require knowledge guidance. The values within the scope of Islamic religious
education are: 1) the value of aqidah education which contains the pillars of faith and
strengthening faith in good and bad destiny by not doing discarding grievances and fighting,
2) the value of sharia education which contains values in the implementation of the pillars of
Islam, 3) the value of moral education which contains Islamic personality values.
Furthermore, Arsyad instills the values of Islamic religious education in students and the
community using a rational development approach, clarification of values, cognitive, social
behavior, instilling values, and using internal strategies and skills development strategies.
Meanwhile, the methods for instilling values are example, oral bil (advice) and bil kitab
(composing and writing). In Arsyad's view, the relevance of PAI values is both relevant and
irrelevant to PAI material which continues to be enriched to answer current problems. The
values of Islamic religious education in the thoughts of Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari
contributed to education in his time in introducing and teaching the values of Islamic
religious education.
Key words: Syekh Arsyad Albanjari ; Islamic Education Concept
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