Model Participatory Governance (Perumusan Kebijakan Adat Bissu Segeri Kabupaten Pangkep)

Hasriati Hasriati, Muhammad Tahir, Rulinawaty Kasmad


The objective of this research was to know the participatory governance model (the policy formulation of bissu tradision Segeri in Pangkep Regency the kind of this research was qualitative research and phenomenological research. The sources of data used in this research was primany data and secondary data. The data collection technique used observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique used data rediction, presentation of data and conclusion Bissu culture wa bugineze ethnic in Pangkep regeneg, South Sulawesi. Bissu was buginece etnic majority stayed in Pangkep reyency, South Sulawesi that had art value of the art was presented a show like women who had a stngth during attraction withhout being hurt by sharp objecth which not everybody had those strength. Along with the revolutioned of the era which cayed the erosion of Bissu culture and the accorance of the goverment official in preserve the Bissu culture.

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