The Effect of Learning Video Media on Science Learning Outcomes Class V SD Negeri 188 Tanrongi Wajo Regency

Nur Winda



This study aims to determine the effect of learning video media on science learning outcomes at Class V Negeri 188 Tanrongi Wajo Regency. This research used experimental research with a quantitative approach. This experimental research was classified into a pre-experimental form of one group pretest posttest design. The technique sampling used saturated sampling technique. The research sample was 20 student. The research instrument was used through documentation, test and observation. Data analysis techniques were used descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The experimental class was class V that it was given through pretest and posttest using learning video media. Technique data analysis used t-test states that the results of the test calculation in the hypothesis of the posttest data obtained results of independent data analysis sample test sig (2.Tailed) a value of 0,000 which is smaller than 0,05 which means that there is learning outcomes so that H1 was accepted through the use of learning video media. So that it can be concluded that there is an influence of learning video media on Science learning outcomes of Class V at SD Negeri 188 Tanrongi of Wajo Regency.


Video Media, Learning Outcomes, Science

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