Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales Revenue for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Parepare City)

Nur Asih, St. Nurhayati, Muhammad Kamal Zubair, Syahriah Semaun, Damirah Damirah


This research is a qualitative study with the data source being micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (UMKM) operators in Parepare City. The data collection tool is an interview guide, and data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity is tested through triangulation of sources and techniques. The research findings are as follows: (1) The sales revenue conditions of UMKM operators in Parepare City before implementing digital marketing vary, with some experiencing lower, steady, or unstable sales revenue. (2) There is an increase in sales revenue for UMKM, ranging from 20-80%, since they started using social media as a digital marketing tool. The majority of UMKM operators in Parepare City use Facebook as their primary social media platform for product promotion, followed by Instagram and TikTok. (3) UMKM operators align their business operations with the principles and values of Islamic economics, particularly the concept of falah (well-being in both worldly and hereafter aspects), as evidenced by their firm adherence to these principles.

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