Uji Efektivitas Sari Batang Serai Dapur Cymbopogon Citratus Sebagai Insektisida Alami Terhadap Mortalitas Nyamuk Aedes aegypti

Winda Dwi Putri, Azrini Khaerah, Fauzan Akbar


Generally people use chemical insecticides to kill mosquitoes. Recently, it is known that many chemical compounds found in natural materials can be used as natural insecticides. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of lemongrass stalk extract as a natural insecticide against the mortality of Aedes aegypti and to determine at a certain concentration lemongrass extract is effective as a natural insecticide. The research design used was a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments used in this study were eight variations, namely K1 (10%), K2 (20%), K3(30%), K4(40%), K5(50%), K6(60%), K7(70% ), K8(80%), 2 controls, K+ (Baygon), K- (Aquadest) and 2 replications with the test mosquito was Aedes aegypti which was bred in the Biology Laboratory, University of Muhammadiyah Bulukumba. Observations were made for 3 hours, namely the first 1 hour, the second 1 hour, and the third 1 hour. Data analysis in this study used ANOVA Analysis and Probit Analysis to determine Lethal Concentration (LC50) and Lethal Time (LT50). The results obtained from this study are that all variations in the concentration used can have an effect on mosquito mortality with the most effective concentration being a concentration of 80% which can kill 100% of the test mosquito samples. Probit analysis of mosquito mortality percentage data showed lemongrass extract as a natural insecticide was effective in killing 50% of the test mosquito population with an LC50 value at a concentration of 40.886% and the time needed to kill 50% of the test mosquito population was 1.003 hours. The conclusion in this study was that the use of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) extract was effective as a natural insecticide against the mortality of Aedes aegypti, which was effective at a concentration of 80% (K8) equivalent to control treatment + use of chemicals (Baygon) which killed 100% of the tested mosquitoes.

Keywords: lemongrass stalk extract (Cymbopogon citratus), Aedes aegypti, natural insecticide

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