This study aims to determine the increase in student learning outcomes in the realm of knowledge and skills through the application of the STAD model and Utaku media in grade IV SD 2 Medini. Thus research is a classroom action research study consisting of four stages of research, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Subjects in the study were 18 fourth grade students of 2 Medini elementary school. The instruments used in this study were the test of learning outcomes in the realm of knowledge and the observation sheets of learning outcomes in the realm of skills. Data analysis techniques in this study used quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of this study the learning outcomes of the students of the first cycle knowledge of social studies IPS obtained an average value of 76 with a 67% classical completeness. While the Indonesian content scores an average of 76 with a classical completeness of 72%. The increase occurred in the second cycle by obtaining an average value of 83 with a classical completeness of 83% in IPS content and an average value of 81 with a classical completeness of 78% in Indonesian content. The results of learning the realm of skills in the first cycle gained an average value of 78 with a 75% classical completeness and increased in the second cycle by obtaining an average value of 84 with a 86% classical completeness.
Keywords: Utaku, STAD, Learning Outcomes.References
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26618/jrpd.v3i2.3925
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