The Effect Income, Labor, dan Information Technology On Income During The COVID-19 Pandemic (Study at Coffee Shop in Surakarta)
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes to human life. Especially in communication between fellow humans who cannot meet face to face and there are many alternatives, especially in this digital era. The sector that is most affected is the creative economy sector in the food and beverages sector, in which there is a Coffee Shop. Coffee Shop can be said a new trend amoung young people and adults. Starting from as a gathering place, doing assigments, to meteengs, up to many who are interested in opening a Coffee Shop. Of course, what is interesting is the income obtained. So we want to know the factors that affect Income. The case study was conducted at a Coffee Shop in Surakarta with multiple linear regression analysis. The sample used is 34 samples with data collection technique is Simple Random Sampling. It was conclude that Labor and Information Technology had a significant effect on Income while Capital had no significant effect on Income.
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UU No.13 Tahun 2013
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