Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi has p-ISSN 1858-2192 and e-ISSN 2686-5467 published by the Development Economics Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, this journal publishes research articles in the field of Economics. This journal publishes research studies that use various qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in the field of Economics. This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies in the scope of Economics published twice a year, namely June and December.
The scope of Balance: Journal of Economics Covers Economics and Development, Economic Behavior, Islamic Economic System, International Economy as well as applied sciences of Statistical Economics, Macro and Micro. Article submissions are made using the Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi template accompanied by supporting documents in the form of: a statement of authorship, ethics, and a copyright statement, which can be downloaded on the main page of the Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi website. Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi has been single-reviewed by peer reviewers. The decision to accept or not accept scientific articles in this journal is the right of the Editorial Board based on recommendations from peer reviewers.
Please read and understand the author's guidelines thoroughly. Authors who submit manuscripts to the editors of Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi must comply with author guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or uses a different format, the manuscript will be rejected by the editorial team prior to review. The Editorial Team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.
Balance: Jurnal Ekonomi has been Nationally Accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia, Number: 204/E/KPT/2022 (Grade 5), valid until 2026.
Vol 20, No 2 (2024): Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Fristyan Yuris Meilita, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
Lathifah Aini, Annisa Saajidah, Putri Andini Nasution, Salsabila Salsabila, Yolanda Novita Sari, Putri Sari Margaret Julianti Silaban
Blasius Febri Jehuma, Marthen Robhinson Pellokila, Maria Indriyani Hawe Tiwu
Amaliah Rezki, Dahlia Baharuddin, Abbas Selong, Muhammad Ridwan Manulusi
Puti Mandasari, Muzdalifah Muhammadun, Syahriyah Semaun, St Aminah, Andi Bahri S
Andi Fakhriyah Mumtihani, Abdul Wahab, Muslimin Kara
Asdar Asdar, Andi Jam'an, Basuki Rahmat Ms, Naidah Naidah, Nur Alfilahi Tahir, Nur Alfilahi Tahir
Eka Dewintara, St. Aminah, Syahriyah Semaun, Muliati Muliati, Andi Bahri S
Fitria Usbaniyah, Maria Agatha Sri Widyanti Hastuti
Mahlina Putri Manurung, Relli Anisma Hutabalian, Khairani Matondang
Mardiana Ibrahim, Sri Hajriani AR, Fadillah Ahmad
Supriadi Arif, Syahrir Mallongi, Abbas Selong
Elisa Clara Saragih, Era Widia Br Sinaga, Melani Manginar Sirait, Relli Anisma Hutabalian, Putri Sari Margaret Julianti Silaban
Fahrudin Fahrudin, Ahmad Shofi, Ahmad Masyhur, Abdul Qodir, M. Kamilul Iman
Agusdiwana Suarni, Syahidah Rahmah, Nurhana Nurhana