Creative Innovation in teaching significantly impacts EFL students' success. This
research explored teachers' teaching methods in an Indonesian English immersive
Environment. It was a qualitative study that involved eight participants. The
research was conducted in a "Let's Speak class" at Mr. Pepsi Upgrade English
Institution in Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri. Data were collected from classroom
observation, interviews, photos, and documents. Then, the data were analyzed in
six steps, from preparing to interpreting the description of the data's meaning.
Research findings presented that teacher in Indonesian immersive environments
taught English, especially for communicative instruction, utilizing technology, such
as communicative instruction based on a listening approach. It was called a
Listening-based Communicative Instructional Approach model (L-CIA model). Six
phases were trained, from giving ice-breaking preface and chitchat, listening to a
song and filling in the blank, finding problematic words and translating, explaining
the song using own words, and singing together. This method has been proven to
stimulate the students' speaking skills. Finally, this research contributed to sharing
information about teaching Innovation in Second Language Acquisition in the
Indonesian Immersive Environment, which can be implemented in other contexts.
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