Reader Comments

Joint Relief 911

by Lyla Zarella (2020-05-18)

First let me unequivocally Joint Relief 911 Review state that I am not trying to scare anyone away from starting to use Topamax. Please believe me. I know that a person who suffers from frequent migraine headaches can be in a terrible state. It can be so bad that they are afraid of the next day coming because they don't know what kind of pain the day will bring. My goal is not to frighten people away from Topamax, it is only to make people aware of what I have experienced in the first couple of weeks I have been taking the pills so that they can be ready for it in case they experience similar side effects. I was instructed to begin taking 1 pill 25 mg of Topamax 2 times daily for one week and then to increase it to 2 pills 50 mg twice daily for the rest of the first month. I started taking the prescription on Friday, January 9.

What Causes The Joint Relief 911?