Reader Comments

Ultra Manifestation

by Lyla Zarella (2020-05-14)


Repentance is about a heart of brokenness Ultra Manifestation Review where, before God, we acknowledge our spiritual nakedness, and we feel compelled to do something to put it right. As we look over the history of revival worldwide we notice a trend that reveals a truth from the ages: To recognise the utter paucity present in our own heart is to recognise the most powerful truth that exists about us. The heart of brokenness is brokenness of the heart. When revival is the born and it spreads, it has its genesis one person at a time, but in viral stereo. A message of brokenness is preached. A message entirely foreign to the carnal instinct of humanity. A message that is eternally warranted. A message that, on the one hand, we despise; but on the other hand, we know we need it. It's a message we've been waiting all our lives to hear. That God would have the audacity to usher the message into our consciousness.

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