Reader Comments

Perpetual Income 365

by Reta Masten (2020-06-18)

If you want a targeted list where you know Perpetual Income 365 everyone is a potential buyer then you need to do it the long way. Create a website and ad an opt-in form. Offer something free to them for signing up. If you're selling golf clubs offer something like a "Free Report on the Best Tips to Improve Your Swing." If it's a cooking site you could offer "10 delicious Recipes for Thanksgiving." People aren't going to give you their information for nothing so make sure whatever you are offer them is enticing enough.Once you have your list in progress you can start sending weekly or monthly emails. You want to stay consistent with your frequency though and again, make sure there is value in reading them. The point is to keep them on the list. If you are junking up their inbox they're likely to ask to be removed. If they ask to be removed you MUST remove them. If you keep emailing them it will be considered spam. So long as you offer them valuable information in your email marketing campaign though people will be more inclined to trust you thus more inclined to buy.Have you ever seen the drunk guy at a party? You know the one. He's a bit drunk and bragging to everyone about himself. He's making everyone uncomfortable as he moves from person to person to person looking for someone to pay attention. Yet everyone just avoids him. Is your e-newsletter like the drunk guy? Do people get your e-newsletter and cringe? When they see your subject line is it just another pitch for your product, service or company? Completely irrelevant to the person receiving it? If your subject line doesn't offer an incentive to your subscriber for reading, why shouldn't they just send it to the trash? So how do you avoid your e-newsletter hitting the trash?