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Studs Haage

by John Marsh (2021-04-03)

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The History of food processing

food processing is basically the transformation of raw food into a completed product, or in other words of one food into another type of food. Food processing involves various types of processing foods, such as grinding whole grain to create coarse flour, to making raw food into drinkable pulp to homogenized liquid, to complex industrial processes used to create convenience food. In the last fifty years, most of the food products we take for granted, including our fresh fruits and vegetables, have undergone processing and are available in markets. Some processed food has undergone preservation processes for longer shelf life and improved taste.

The history of food processing goes far back in history, but the practice was more of an industrial process than a domestic one. In medieval Europe, common people, i.e. peasants, who were poor physically and not well educated developed this process on their own, usually by borrowing or stealing the techniques from others. With time, and with the development of new technologies, the European food processing gradually became more organized as different techniques were introduced.

The most important food processing technique is the drying and baking procedure, followed by freezing, drying and preserving other processed foods in cold storage facilities. Drying and baking refer to two different approaches to prepare dried products, namely dehydration and heating. Dehydration refers to removing water from food and drying it in a manner intended to eliminate all moisture, to provide it with a basic structure requiring no further processing before use. Baking, on the other hand, refers to treating food with sufficient sugar and/or salt to cause the production of carbon dioxide, which in turn slows down the rate of bacterial growth, and results in the thickening of the ingredients used in baking.

A Guide to vacuum packing

vacuum packing is a technique of sealing that eliminates air within the package before sealing. This technique involves placing items into a sealed plastic bag, then removing air from within and sealing the bag. Shrink wrap is sometimes also used to get a tight seal on the contents. The advantage of this type of packing is that the product remains dry at all times and therefore there are no worries about moisture getting in the product. This means there is little or no chance for the product to spoil.

While vacuum packing removes moisture, it does not remove oxygen from the exterior elements of the product. Moisture is removed by sealing off the item to prevent air from escaping. Oxygen is removed by providing a barrier for air to escape. This technique is especially useful when sealing extremely hot or cold items. In situations where high temperatures are experienced, vacuum packing removes moisture, cools the product and provides a barrier against damage or oxidation.

Vacuum sealing and vacuum packing removes oxygen from the surface of the product thereby protecting the surface of the item from damage due to oxidation caused by moisture, heat, cold, etc. It prevents condensation on the interior of the product, which can result in the formation of bacteria, mold and mildew. This technique is commonly used in food packaging applications and is often referred to as modified atmosphere packaging or MAV. When using vacuum packaging, the product is sealed completely and there is no space between the vacuum bag and the item.