VERTEX ELEKTRO is a scientific journal for the field of Electrical Engineering which is managed by Department Of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (UNISMUH). This journal aims as a media publication of research results for academics, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Electrical Engineering. It is published twice a year, in February and August. (p-ISSN : 1979-9772 and e-ISSN : 2714-7487). Articles published in the Vertex Elektro Journal must be original and state-of-the-art manuscripts in the Electrical Engineering field. The scope of this article is: Information Technology, Internet Of Things, Power Systems, Signal, System and Electronics, Communication Systems.

Vol 17, No 1 (2025): Februari
Table of Contents
Risdayanti Risdayanti, Vivi Yunita Aprilia, Adriani Adriani, Ridwan Ridwan
1 - 10
Andi Mohammad Ridwan Fikri Ridwan, Muh. Riswan. T Riswan, Rizal ahdiyat duyo, S.T.,M.T Rizal, Dr. Ir. Zahir Zainuddin, M.Sc Zahir
11 - 26
Andi faharuddin Faharuddin, Risti yanti Yanti, M. Fauzan muayyad Muayyad, Abdul hafid Hafid
27 - 36
37 - 49
irfan irfan, ramlah ramlah, abdul hafid, suryani suryani
50 - 60
ilham ilhamarfandi, fuad fuadaliefahalmawardy, rizal rizalduyo, zahir zahir, Andi Nasri, St Khadijah
61 - 70