The Impact of Promotional Strategies on Consumer Interest in Purchasing Toyota Innova Brand Cars at PT. Hadji Kalla, Sumoharjo Branch, Makassar City

Anur Achsanuddin UA, Muh. Nur R, Muhammad Ikram Idrus, Kahar Kahar


This study aims to ascertain whether there exists a positive and significant impact of the Promotion Strategy on Consumer Interest in purchasing Toyota Innova cars at PT. Hadji Kalla's Sumoharjo Branch in Makassar City. The study encompasses two variables: the Promotion Strategy as the independent variable and Consumer Interest in purchasing a Toyota Innova as the dependent variable. The outcomes of the study reveal a simple linear regression equation as Y = 15.635 + 0.763X. The test results also yield a coefficient of determination (r) of 0.632, indicating that the Promotion Strategy influences Consumer Interest in Purchasing a Toyota Innova by 40%, while the remaining 60% is attributed to other factors not considered in this study. Moreover, the calculated t-value of 5.654 surpasses the t-critical value of 0.2353. This implies that the Promotion Strategy variable significantly and positively impacts consumer interest in purchasing a Toyota Innova. Thus, the hypothesis stands confirmed.


Promotion Strategy, Consumer Interest, Toyota Innova Car

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Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perdagangan.



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