Studi Kerusakan Hutan Mangrove di Desa Taar Kecamatan Dullah Selatan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

Yensy Lolita Salamor


Mangrove forest is one type of forest which its existence is naturally influenced by tides. Generally, demage to mangrove forest can be perpetrated by several things, including cler-cutting, conversion to fishing grounds or landfills for both liquid and solid waste. The objective of this research is to determine the demage that occurred to the mangrove forest in Taar Village, Sub-district of Dullah Selatan, District Of Maluku Tenggara. Based on the research objectives, for the analysis of mangrove forest vegetation, data collection in the field is conducted by applying a combination of method, between the path method and the check-line method. Meanwhile, to determine the level of demage to mangrove forest, criteria based on tree density are utilized. The result of this research discovers 9 types of mangrove plants, namely, Rhizophora stylosa, R. mucronatta, A. alba, Soneratia alba, S. caseolaris, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Ceriops decandra Xylocarpus granatum dan Heriteria litolaris. The level of demage to mangrove forest, based on tree density, is in good – moderate criteria because it ranges from >1000 - <1.500/tree/ha.

Keywords: analysis, mangrove forest, Damage

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