Uji Kepraktisan Pengembangan Alat Peraga Untuk Siswa SMA Pada Konsep Sistem Respirasi

Azwar Abdollah, Andi Sitti Marwah, Pramita Wally, Indrayani Sima Sima Sohilauw


World of education, the use of teaching aids has a very important role, the benefits of teaching aids in the learning process are that they can attract students' attention so that they can improve learning outcomes and will be more easily understood by students and allow them to master and achieve learning objectives. The development model used ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely: 1) analysis 2) design 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. research is limited to the development section, especially in the practicality test of teaching aids. To test the practicality of the teaching aids, an instrument sheet of the practicality of the teaching aids was used which was assessed based on the responses of students and the teacher's response to the use of teaching aids in the respiratory system. The teaching aids tested were practical based on the student's response from the assessment aspect, and the teacher's response based on three aspects of the assessment, namely the aspect of using teaching aids, learning presentations, and aspects of the feasibility of teaching aids. The results of the practicality of teaching aids based on students' responses based on the assessment aspect showed that the very practical category was obtained, namely (above 80%), in the teacher's response to the aspect of using teaching aids, the average value was 100, the learning aspect obtained an average value of 100. , and the feasibility aspect of teaching aids obtained an average value of 9.80.

Keywords: Props, respiratory system

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