Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Pada Konsep Sistem Peredaran Darah Dengan Menggunakan Three-Tier Test di Kelas XI Mia 1 SMAN 8 Bulukumba

Sri Wahyuni, Hilmi Hambali, Nurul Fadhilah


This research is a classroom action research that aims to find out the improvement in biology learning outcomes of Grade VIII students through Jigsaw type cooperative learning methods. The research was carried out in November 2017 to January 2018 which is located at SMP Negeri 2 Sengkang, Wajo Regency. The subjects in this study were students of class VIII, amounting to 35 people consisting of 14 men and 21 women. This research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of 4 stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation phase of the action, the observation phase, and the reflection stage. Each cycle consists of two face-to-face meetings and one learning achievement test. The data collection technique was carried out by giving a test of learning outcomes at the end of the first cycle and cycle 2 meetings. The research data showed that the highest scores obtained by students of class VIII of Sengkang Middle School 2 who participated in Biology learning through a jigsaw cooperative model in cycle I were 84; lowest value of 45; and an average score of 62.97. The highest score obtained by eighth grade students of Sengkang Middle School 2 who took Biology learning through the type of jigsaw cooperative learning method in cycle II was 92; lowest value of 63; and an average value of 77.46. Based on the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that after the second cycle there was an increase in student learning outcomes from the first cycle, where the average grade of students in the first cycle was 62.97 while in the second cycle increased to 77.46.

Keywords: Cooperative, Jigsaw, learning outcomes, student activities

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