Sosialisasi Politik Terhadap Partisipasi Pemilih-Pemula Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Di Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa
This study aimed to determine how the material of political socialization mechanisms and patterns on the participation of first-time voters in the regional head elections in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency. This study used qualitative research with descriptive type. The number of informants in this study were 6 people who determined by purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the political socialization of the participation of first-time voters in the regional head elections in Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency was optimal. community and society. In the material stage of political socialization, the sub-district election committee had been optimal, such as holding social media networking and providing all education to novice voters and the public and still implementing health protocols that had been implemented by the government. Then at the stage the political socialization mechanism was optimal, the sub-district committee conducted it in every village to recruit new voters.
Keywords: Political Socialization, Beginner-voter participation
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