Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Sertifikat Tanah Di Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupaten Gowa

Nasriani Nasriani, Sudarmi Sudarmi, Adnan Ma'ruf


This study aims to determine the innovation of online-based citizen complaint services satisfaction and accuracy of targets in its implementation and public services received by the community. The type used in this research is qualitative with 11 informants. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, direct observation, documentation.The results of this study indicate that the most important thing in citizen complaints services is that the village government and local government should provide sufficient budget to carry out an innovation program because this is evidence of public service innovation that makes it easy for the public to make complaints and the community as customers should begin to realize and utilize the development of information and communication technology currently in carrying out daily activities, so that the online-based complaints service innovation program can be maximized as a whole.

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