Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court (ISSN: 2962-5963 (Print) 2962-5327 (Online)) is an national peer-reviewed open access journal that aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas, review and the research findings obtained in Family Law and Islamic Courts.

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court promotes scholarly, theoretical, pragmatic, and contemporary research, making a clear conceptual and methodological contribution to existing international literature. Its spesific aim is to enhance the broad scholarly understanding of Islamic Law, Family Law, Islamic Courts, Islamic Economics, Islamic Politics.

Submissions that focus upon the Islamic Law or Islamic Courts of any of these levels or units of analysis in a way that interestingly and effectively brings together conceptual analysis and empirical findings are welcome.

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court is committed to disseminating rigorous, high-quality research and debate with a scientific influence on the international society. To that purpose, the Editorial team follows a meticulous editorial procedure, bringing the most sophisticated research on Islamic Law and Islamic Courts. The journal is online and has open access, and its internal publication procedure enables it to distribute its research findings internationally promptly.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Every manuscript submitted to the editor will be selected through an initial review process by the Editorial Board. The initial review process consists of checking for conformity with focus and scope, similarity check, writing technique, and cited references. Then, the article will be given to the international peer reviewers and will continue to double blind peer-review process. After that, the article will be returned to the author for revision. Papers that do not meet the requirements will be rejected while papers recommended by international peer-reviewers will be considered by the editors for publication.

International Peer Reviewers will assess the substantial and technical aspects of the article. Peer Reviewers working for Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court are experts in the field of Islamic Law and Islamic Courts Studies issues. They are vastly experience in managing prestigious journals and have a broad track record of publications in reputable international journals.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court (ISSN: 2962-5963 (Print) 2962-5327 (Online)) is a scientific publication media that focuses on disseminating research results in the field of Family Law and Islamic Court. This journal is published by the Islamic Family Law Study Program (Ahwal Syakhshiyah) Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court is published regularly three times a year (August-November, December-March & April-July).

Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court Editorial Team invites researchers in the field of Islamic Law in general, and Islamic Family Law in particular in various aspects to participate in submitting the latest research results to be published in the Journal of Family Law and Islamic Court.