The Influence of Price, Advertising, Online Customer Review and Convenience on Purchase Decisions in E-Commerce

Wahyu Tita Sari, Imam Mukhlis


The existence of e-commerce provides convenience in economic transactions, especially buying and selling transactions. However, behind the convenience there is also a risk that must be borne by consumers. However, this still makes e-commerce enthusiasts increase every year. The purpose of the study was to see the effect of price, advertising, online customer reviews and convenience on purchasing decisions at e-commerce. The research method applied is descriptive quantitative method, which is a method which explains the data in the form of numbers or numbers. In this study, primary data was used through a questionnaire with 301 respondents. The scale of the questionnaire is a Likert scale of 1-5. Multiple linear regression OLS method was applied as an analytical method which was processed using e-views 10 software and tested classical assumptions and hypothesis tests. The research findings found that price, online customer review and convenience showed a positive and significant relationship to purchasing decisions partially. Meanwhile, advertising shows a positive and insignificant relationship with purchasing decisions. Price, advertising, online customer review and convenience variables show a positive and significant relationship to purchasing decisions simultaneously


e-commerce, price, advertisements, online customer reviews, easy of use

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