COVID-19 pandemic and population density problem in Indonesia: transmigration policy as an alternative program
The objective of this study is to examine the associations between levels of population density and the transmission of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis is employed to determine the data distribution of the response variable (dependent variable Y) as well as the independent variables X1 and X2. Therefore, inferential analysis is a quantitative technique that involves examining a sample in order to draw conclusions about a larger population. The present investigation has revealed a statistically significant positive connection (r = 0.954) between the incidence of COVID-19 patients and population density in Indonesia. The Model Summary provides the R value (Correlation Coefficient) of 0.959, indicating a strong positive correlation between the variables. Additionally, the multiple correlation coefficient r (Multiple R) is 0.920, which represents the determination index or the proportion of the influence of X on Y. Therefore, it can be asserted that 92% of COVID-19 cases are driven by population density and the number of individuals experiencing employment terminations, whilst the remaining 8% is affected by additional factors. The regression equation can be constructed from the Coefficients table in the following manner: The equation can be expressed as . The calculation of the Standard Error of the Estimate (SE) yields a value of 8151.076 or 8151. The standardized coefficient (Beta) of 1.381 represents the extent of association between the number of COVID-19 infection cases and population density.
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