Perguruan Tinggi merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang bertujuan menghasilkan lulusan yang berkompeten dan siap menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan mampu memanfaatkan peluang. Program Studi BKPI memiliki amanah menghasilkan konselor sosial dan pendidikan islam yang kompeten dan unggul. Sejumlah tantangan dan peluang dihadapi oleh civitas akademika Program Studi BKPI. Semua tantangan dan peluang perlu dijawab melalui visi, misi dan tujuan serta rencana kerja Program Studi BKPI yang terarah. Program Studi BKPI juga perlu menyiapkan setiap calon lulusan untuk memiliki visi hidup, sikap positif, kreatif, adaptif, kerja keras dan cerdas, fokus, berkemauan belajar sepanjang hayat dengan dilandasi spiritualitas yang kokoh
Kata Kunci : Peluang, Tantangan Karir, Kampus Merdeka
Higher Education is an educational institution that aims to produce graduates who are competent and ready to face various challenges and are able to take advantage of opportunities. The BKPI Study Program has the mandate to produce competent and superior social and Islamic education counselors. A number of challenges and opportunities are faced by the academic community of the BKPI Study Program. All challenges and opportunities need to be answered through the vision, mission and objectives as well as a targeted work plan for the BKPI Study Program. The BKPI Study Program also needs to prepare every prospective graduate to have a vision of life, positive attitude, creative, adaptive, hard and smart work, focused, willing to learn for life with a strong spirituality.
Keywords: Opportunities, Career Challenges, Independent Campus
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