The Role in The Field of Education As A Form of Community Service In Baju Bodoa Village

Nilam Cahyani, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Sam'un Mukramin, Sahabuddin Nanda


The purpose of this writing is a form of participation of Unismuh Makassar P2K students in Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency. The location of Pelaskanaan in this activity is Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru, Maros Regency The types of activities are the community work programs of Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency, as follows: Holding Service Work at a public cemetery in Pangkasalo Baju Bodoa Village. Doing Service Work at Nurul Falah Mosque on Jl. Taqwa, Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru District, Planting a live dispensary on Jl. Taqwa Kel. Baju Bodoa, Kec. Maros Baru The results in writing this report are: 'cleanness is part of faith' so if you like cleanliness, it means you have strong faith. This service activity in the environmental reserve remains clean and makes people aware of the importance of protecting the surrounding environment.


Role, Service, Community

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