Competency Development As Professional Education Staff At UPT SMAN 11 Maros

Riska Ariyani, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop the competence of strengthening education personnel . Provide direct experience in the field and to cultivate work in synergy with the scientific disciplines owned. Developing an educational curriculum that is in accordance with the times. The place for the implementation of Teacher Training Professional Strengthening (P2K) activities is at UPT SMAN 11 Maros which is located at Jalan Pangkasalo, Maros Regency. The time for the implementation of the Teacher Training Professional Strengthening (P2K) activity is 04 September 2023 – 01 November 2023. At the planning stage of activities in terms of structuring administrative files , several things are done, namely Educational Technology students compiling in such a way as correspondence files (letter arrangement) and also archives (archival arrangement ).

The results in this study include the implementation of P2K at UPT SMA Negeri 11 Maros, which is a training ground in mastering the ability of education personnel who are intact and integrated before truly becoming a reliable education staff . P2K students can gain various experiences during the P2K process for future education.


Development,Education Personnel,Professional

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