Implementation of Project Based Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes for Class X.4 Students of UPT SMAN 11 Maros

Jusfira Yuniar, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Jamaluddin Arifin


This study aims to see the success of the learning process through the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) learning model in the independent curriculum. The research was carried out using the class action research method on grade X high school students at UPT SMAN 11 MAROS. This research was carried out in 2 learning cycles. The results of cognitive tests through learning outcomes tests at the observation and evaluation stages in cycle I and cycle II are reviewed from the percentage where in cycle I students who achieved a score of ≥ 75 were 8.3% while students who obtained a score of ≤ 75 were 91.7%, in cycle II there was an increase where students who achieved a score of ≥ 75 were 75%. The results of the assessment of psychomotor aspects showed that the category of moderately skilled in cycle I increased to the category of skilled in cycle II. The results of the assessment of affective aspects in both cycles showed a neutral category with an increase in KKM values in each cycle. Then for teacher activities, judging from the observation sheet, teacher activities show an increase from the moderate category in cycle I to the good category in cycle II. Teachers' impressions and responses through interviews stated that by applying the PBL model classroom conditions became more active, and students became courageous in expressing their opinions. Students' impressions and responses state that learning activities become more fun and can be trained to solve problems through social activities and be able to think critically.

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