Efforts To Increase the Tone of Fellowship Between the Communities of Baju Bodoa Village Through Mother-Operation Activities and Planting a Living Pharmacy

Nur Jannah, Kaharuddin Kaharuddin, Sahabuddin Nanda, Sam'un Mukramin


Strengthening the Teaching Profession (P2K) is a form of learning in the form of service to the school, community and Muhammadiyah which is carried out by a group of students in order to advance the welfare of society and make the nation's life more intelligent. The aim of implementing P2K is to apply, practice and cultivate science and technology in order to advance general welfare and make the life of the nation intelligent, providing practical experience to practitioners in applying theory and practice. The implementation method used is the socialization method. Based on the results and conclusions of the implementation of P2K activities in Baju Bodoa Village, Maros Baru District, Maros Regency, the community service program has run well in accordance with the expected procedures. This activity has a very important impact on students and the environment they live in because they are required to adapt to the environment, atmosphere, place of residence and the language used daily. For this reason, students are able to have experience and knowledge about social relations and can apply the knowledge they have in the local community. And practitioners must also follow the rules that apply in the area where they live, participate in Village activities both outside and inside the P2K location. Implementation of P2K activities must also have the support of the Baju Bodoa Village community so that the Village government is able to facilitate all the needs required by practitioners in carrying out their activities.


Socialization, P2K, ward

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